Rhodiola rosea extract, commonly known as Rose Root extract, is derived from the whole plant of the Rhodiola species, specifically Rhodiola rosea. This extract is rich in bioactive compounds such as salidroside and other glycosides, which contribute to its numerous health benefits. It has been traditionally used in herbal medicine for its adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress and promoting overall well-being. Rhodiola rosea extract is also commonly used in supplements, food, and beverage industries due to its ability to enhance energy levels, improve mood, and support cognitive function.
Rhodiola rosea extract, commonly known as Rose Root extract, has diverse applications due to its numerous bioactive compounds. It is commonly used in herbal medicine and supplements to enhance physical and mental endurance, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. The extract is also utilized in the food and beverage industry, where it is added to energy drinks and functional foods to boost energy levels and support cognitive function. Furthermore, Rhodiola rosea extract finds applications in cosmetics and skincare products due to its antioxidant properties, which help protect the skin from environmental damage and aging.